We're up for recreating anything made out of fabric! Our one-piece items are made out of pre-loved fabrics and recreated into new usable products. This list is inexhaustible but so far we've created this (and more to add to the list):
- reconstructed vintage apparel
- reconstructed t-shirts
- tote bags
- haversack
- zip pouches
- blankies
- cushions
- toys
- table cloth
- penholders
- wall hanging toy art
- bolster cushion
- etc
Contact Information:
Company name: Maki Squarepatch
Company registration number: 53068005W
Shop location: 33 Bali Lane (2nd storey), Singapore (coming April 2008)
Tel: 6292 2248
Opening hours: Tues - Sat 1.00 - 8.00pm, Sun 2.00 - 7.00pm. We're closed on Monday and Public Holidays (sometimes we're secretly in anyway)
Email: info [at] makisquarepatch [dot] com